Understanding creative blocks

Understanding what causes a creative block is the first step to overcoming it. Most creative blocks are cause by the following six lessons we have learned in life. Lesson One – We learned to avoid failure. We live in a culture where our work is judged by others and if it is not good enough…

Overcoming Fear

To be unafraid we need to examine where our fears come from. Nearly all of our fears can be divided into two categories Fear of not having enough Fear of not being enough These fears are often socially constructed by those who want us to behave in certain ways.  For example, the fear of being not…

Teeny Weeny Steps – Part One

Laura was overwhelmed. Every morning she woke with a sense of panic and exhaustion before the day had even begun. Her to do list was impossibly long and she just didn’t know where to start. This led to indecision, procrastination and failure to move forward in any way in her life. She was accomplishing the…


Quick tricks to calm down the mind

When you are feeling overwhelmed and panicky, everything you ever learnt about relaxing, being calm and finding peace disappears from your mind as fast as a bubble bursting. In situations like this it can be helpful to use these quick tricks to calm down the mind.

The Voice in Your Head

Everyone has a voice in their heads. They are all different, but generally they are critical of ourselves, others, or both. The voice in our head can cause us unhappiness – but it doesn’t have to. We can break this cycle with a few simple techniques. When we listen to the voice in our head…

Emergency Sleep Kit

The pain of insomnia cannot be underestimated. Things seem so bleak when you are awake, all alone in the dead of night. There are lots of techniques that can help break the habit of insomnia. If you have tried all the usual solutions and are still lying awake most of the night, you might be…

Three Wishes Exercise

Have you every heard the advice, ‘follow your dreams,’ or ‘do what you love,’ and given a big sigh. Have you wondered what your dreams are? What is it that you love? What is your purpose on this earth? Finding the answers to these questions might be easier than you think. Try this quick exercise…

Eyes Wide Open

I don’t know about you, but the minute I try to meditate, I close my eyes and a whoosh of activity starts in my brain. That black space on the inside of my eyelids seems to cue my mind to start a whirl of thoughts about the past, fears about the future or just what…

Fifteen Minutes to Peace

Our monkey mind trundles away making constant demands of the body. The busy mind cares little if the body is tired and unwell or is being stressed too far. It presses the body to carry on regardless, often resulting in exhaustion and depletion. It gives little attention to results that cannot be seen and often…

Listening to the Mind

I have been on my own for five days. It’s interesting to notice how many thoughts I have. My monkey mind must normally get drowned out by conversations with others, TV, radio, reading, work and other activities. While I have been alone, I’ve tried not to drown out the chatter too much. I have listened…